News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
Reducing Parkinson’s disease will require phasing out common pesticides and herbicides across agriculture
Addressing the root cause of chronic disease in America will not be an easy task. One of the fastest growing neurological disorders in the world is Parkinson’s, and the root causes for this neurological disorder are ingrained into our agricultural systems and lawn care routines. Every year, nearly 90,000 new cases of Parkinson’s are diagnosed. […]
By Lance D Johnson
FDA warns consumers to throw away cheap cinnamon products that are heavily contaminated with LEAD
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent out a new consumer alert, warning about high LEAD levels recently detected in ground cinnamon products found in American dollar stores and supermarkets. The FDA is urging suppliers to recall the tainted products on a voluntary basis. These lead levels are, in fact, dangerous for childhood development. […]
By Lance D Johnson
Chlormequat crop chemical is hormonally castrating males and denaturing females, subtly depopulating the Earth
Chlormequat chloride, a plant growth regulator that is commonly used on grain crops, is silently damaging human populations by making men and women infertile. Chlormequat chloride not only reduces male and female fertility, but it also harms a developing fetus. In animal studies, the chemical transfers through breast milk, harming development. Scientists are seeing reproductive […]
By Lance D Johnson
EPA monitoring a new class of toxic PFAS in municipal water supplies – GenX chemicals
Endocrine disruptors, carcinogens and a plethora of pharmaceutical drugs pollute municipal water supplies, infiltrating our tap water. On March 14, 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for six types of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These “forever” chemicals have been manufactured since the 1940s. Today, these endocrine disruptors […]
By Lance D Johnson
Phthalates and bisphenols now “widespread” in common food items, silently driving the chronic disease epidemic
The chronic disease epidemic in America can be traced back to specific contaminants in the food supply. These contaminants negatively impact hormone signaling, cellular energy production, sexual development, neurodevelopment and genetic expression. Some of the most damaging contaminants in the food and water supply include various types of plasticizer chemicals. These chemicals, namely phthalates and […]
By Lance D Johnson
FDA dismisses dangerous DNA contamination of COVID vaccines after allowing Pfizer to change its manufacturing process
When a team of researchers from Ontario, Canada discovered high levels of DNA contamination in monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, regulatory agencies around the world should have placed a moratorium on COVID-19 vaccines and investigated the serious safety signal. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) completely dismissed the findings, […]
By Lance D Johnson
Pfizer and Moderna COVID jabs found to be contaminated with short DNA fragments, making them potentially TUMORIGENIC and GENOTOXIC
A team of researchers from Ontario, Canada recently discovered the presence of DNA fragments in the monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. All the vaccines in this study contained billions to hundreds of billions of DNA fragments, and they each exceeded the DNA adulteration standard of 10 nano-grams per dose set by […]
By Lance D Johnson
“Green energy” mining is polluting rivers and farmland at an unsustainable pace, leaving 23 million people exposed to toxic waste
A new study published in Science takes a closer look at what “green energy” mining has done to the rivers, the floodplains, the aquifers, and the farmland of surrounding ecosystems, all around the world. The study, Impacts of metal mining on river systems: a global assessment, finds that metal mining pollutes the environment with mercury, […]
By Lance D Johnson
American Beverage Association pays health and wellness influencers to deceive the public about aspartame
As more consumers learn about the toxicity of artificial sweeteners and switch to natural alternatives like stevia, the American Beverage Association was caught running a “Safety of Aspartame” campaign that intentionally deceives the public. The propaganda campaign pays off health and wellness influencers, dieticians, and doctors to promote processed foods and toxic chemicals (aspartame) that […]
By Lance D Johnson
Thousands of children were injured by DTP vaccine lots that were 14 times more toxic and contained cholera antigens
Not all vaccine lots are created the same. When a greater volume of adjuvant is used in a vaccine, it can cause more numerous and more serious side effects. The adjuvant (usually aluminum salts) is the ingredient used to augment an immune response in the individual. Likewise, vaccine manufacturers can accidentally mix up or mislabel […]
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