A woman from Paris is suing the French state for neglecting to protect her from the effects of air pollution, claiming …
Aldehydes, a common class of everyday chemicals, have been found to increase cancer risk by interfering with the body’s natural …
With so much attention being given to global warming these days it easy to blame our changing climate for everything …
Genetically modified crops were once hailed as the solution to all manner of problems facing our planet. Proponents insisted they …
No one thinks an afternoon at the salon will land them in the emergency room, but that is exactly what …
When a partial meltdown struck the Three Mile Island nuclear generating station near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in March 1979, the United …
Some homeowners fix the problem of an odd-smelling house by lighting a scented candle. But be warned: Doing so could …
Cabin air that circulates in commercial flights contain toxic chemicals that are detrimental to the public health, according to a …
A groundbreaking study from Rutgers University-New Brunswick debunks a 19th century myth that humans’ sense of smell is inferior to …
A recent study published in the journal of Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis revealed that e-cigarettes do not cause cancer, unlike tobacco. The Action …
The number of British men opting for breast reduction procedures due to enlarged or swollen breast, otherwise known as gynecomastia, …
College students may be inadvertently breathing in carcinogenic compounds from their furniture, a new study concluded. Researchers tested 95 dust …
Following a major earthquake in March 2011, a 15 meter-high tsunami ravaged the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Though the …
Celebrating your birthday with a cake is a beloved tradition that goes back several centuries. If you can’t bake a …