By Isabelle Z.
Discover the hidden truth about your dental fillings
Most of us think that our mouth can’t get us into trouble as long as we choose our words carefully, but that isn’t the case if you happen to have dental fillings. In fact, if you’re unlucky enough to have mercury amalgams, you could have a ticking time bomb in your mouth. That’s because mercury […]
By Vicki Batts
Are your dental fillings making you sick? The mercury in them could be destroying your gut
Mercury-based dental amalgams may be presented as “safe” by mainstream dentistry, but health advocates beg to differ. Mercury is one of the most toxic heavy metals a person could come across, and the notion that implanting a hunk of mercury-containing amalgam into a person’s mouth presents no risk to health is nothing short of erroneous. […]
By Vicki Batts
Those metal fillings in your mouth could be putting you at risk of an autoimmune disease
Are your dental fillings wreaking havoc on your immune system and setting the stage for disease to set in? New research shows that might just be the case. The metals used to make dental amalgams can come with a host of ill effects on health and research has shown that these metals can, and do, […]
By Isabelle Z.
Here’s how fluoride destroys your health in obvious, and not so obvious, ways
Few people realize just how far-reaching the effects of long-term exposure to fluoride can be. Dental fluorosis may be the most obvious manifestation of fluoride damage as it discolors and pits people’s teeth, but much of the other harm it causes is not as easy to see and is often blamed on something else. Here’s […]
By Derek Henry
The dangers of poor oral health and why conventional products and dentists often make it worse
There are estimations that eighty percent of disease begins in the mouth. This is not too hard to believe considering it is the most open orifice for various pollutants, most notably the highly processed and toxic food we ingest on a regular basis. This food not only can introduce dangerous pathogens into our oral cavity but it can […]
By Isabelle Z.
The dark history behind fluoride (that the media refuses to report)
Did you know that the same chemical in municipal drinking water played a key role in producing the atomic bomb? Were you aware that huge quantities of the chemical that supposedly protects teeth from cavities were needed to manufacture the bomb-grade plutonium and uranium for nuclear weapons during the Cold War? There are plenty of […]
By Mike Adams
Hidden poisons in your MOUTH may be causing cancer, arthritis, heart disease and even obesity
Each day, I review hundreds of science and medicine headlines for assigning stories to websites like and, and I repeatedly see new science papers published about the links between oral bacteria and chronic diseases such as heart disease. The science is clear: If you have bacteria lurking in an old root canal, or […]
By Kristine Payne
Watch out for these nine TOXIC ingredients in your toothpaste
Everyone wants to have a clean and healthy smile, and achieving one involves the practice of good oral hygiene. But accomplishing that can be difficult when a good number of commercial toothpastes are made with questionable ingredients. These ingredients can range from endocrine disruptors to carcinogens — all of them have no business being near […]
By Jonathan Landsman
The uncensored truth about fluoride
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calls water fluoridation – the addition of industrial-grade fluoride to community water supplies – “one of the top ten public health achievements of the 20th century.” But, pioneering biological dentist Dr. David Kennedy has another term for it: “a public health fraud.” No doubt, adding fluoride to […]
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