disease causes
By S.D. Wells
Lack of research about chemical agents called SULFITES in food has resulted in an array of health implications for consumers
Sulfites are chemicals commonly used as preservatives in food, beverages, wine, and even medications, to slow down the browning and discoloration effect during preparation, storage, and distribution. For many consumers, sulfites are nothing to worry about, but for millions of others, sulfites can be a key cause of allergy symptoms, autoimmune reactions, and asthma attacks, […]
By S.D. Wells
EIGHT key body systems are under PERPETUAL ATTACK by Big Food and Big Pharma
For most Americans who eat conventional foods and processed “junk science” food stuff day in and day out, their body and brain is under perpetual attack from all angles. Those same consumers develop symptoms of “bad food disease” (BFD) and they begin suppressing those signs with over-the-counter medications, which is about as smart as cutting […]
By Olivia Cook
Living with toxic VOCs (and SCCPs) in your home
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a group of compounds that can easily form gases. These are hazardous chemicals found in the air that can affect your health with short-term sensitization (allergic reactions) and/or cancer through long-term exposure. The American Lung Association explains that VOCs can be found in the air indoors and outdoors. Some of […]
By Lance D Johnson
EPA approves chlormequat chloride pesticide for wheat, barley and oat crops, putting human and mammalian reproduction at risk
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is facilitating a new chemical experiment across wheat, barley and oat crops in the United States. For the first time ever, the EPA approved widespread application of chlormequat chloride — a pesticide/growth retardant that has a toxic profile for birds, mammals, and human reproduction. According to the National Institutes of […]
By Ethan Huff
Juices, soft drinks found to contain trace levels of toxic metals: INVESTIGATION
They never appear as such to the naked eye, but fruit juices, sodas, and other store-bought beverages are often tainted with toxins, according to new research out of Tulane University. Scientists there tested many different popular beverage brands to see what might be hiding underneath their bright colors and fancy packaging. They discovered everything from […]
By Ethan Huff
Vegetable oils (i.e., soy, canola) have “remarkable estrogenic properties,” study finds
Did you know that vegetable oils are one of the worst foods you can consume, especially when they are derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs)? The latest research shows that vegetable oils bear “remarkable estrogenic properties,” meaning they feminize the bodies of people who consume them, including men. Soybean oil, the most commonly consumed vegetable […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 FOOD CHEMICALS on the chopping block in California that damage the human brain, CNS, hormones, behavior and gut health
While the police-state of California constantly pushes for mandatory toxic vaccinations for all children, they ironically push to ban chemicals from food. It’s quite hypocritical, to keep cancer-causing agents out of the food supply while allowing them to invade the blood supply via carcinogenic injections, but so is the most recent action, according to California […]
By Ethan Huff
World’s largest food corporations love to talk about “healthy diets” while pushing junk
Despite each claiming to be active in improving the healthfulness of their products, four of the world’s largest food manufacturers overwhelmingly rely on junk food sales for profits, a new report has found. Kellogg’s, Kraft Heinz, Nestlé, and Unilever all sell a greater than 50 percent majority of junk food in their three largest markets, […]
By News Editors
Researchers link glyphosate-based weedkillers to liver disease and endocrine disorders in kids
Children exposed to glyphosate-containing weedkillers, used in farming and on school playgrounds, appear to be at increased risk for liver inflammation and metabolic disorders in young adulthood and more serious diseases later in life, according to a study published Wednesday in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. (Article by Carey Gillam republished from TheNewLede.org) Children exposed […]
By Ethan Huff
EPA still refusing to test for toxic dioxins in East Palestine, Ohio
For whatever reason, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is refusing to test for dioxins in East Palestine following the Norfolk Southern train derailment incident. Local media outlet WKBN reported that the EPA is not going to test for dioxins even though the “controlled explosion” more than likely released the world’s largest dioxin plume. (Related: Park animals […]
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