weird science
By Edsel Cook
Gases from a car air freshener caused a car to explode
Just recently, an automobile blew up without warning in the U.K. – but it wasn’t because of a terrorist plot. An article in Natural Health 365 states that the car exploded due to a build-up of toxic gases from the air freshener. The vehicle was in the parking lot of a B&Q home improvement retail store […]
By Isabelle Z.
Doctor warns world about “chemtrail lung,” a new health epidemic causing brain and lung problems across society
The existence of chemtrails used to be a topic of debate, but they are now being more widely acknowledged by experts like meteorologists to scientists. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to deny that they exist as more and more people are coming down with illnesses related to chemtrails. When TV host Rachel Reenstra had trouble overcoming […]
By Isabelle Z.
We’re all gobbling down 100 pieces of plastic with every meal
You wouldn’t dream of ordering a side of plastic with your meal, but you’re already eating 100 pieces of plastic each day without even realizing it, according to an alarming new study. When scientists from Edinburgh’s Heriot-Watt University placed Petri dishes with sticky dust traps on tables near dinner plates in people’s homes at meal […]
By Ethan Huff
California to start recycling sewer water into tap water… and yes, it’s full of insane chemicals
Water has apparently become so scarce in the Golden State that some municipalities are about to begin piping recycled sewer water back into people’s homes, new reports indicate. The California State Water Resources Control Board recently announced new regulations that will allow treated wastewater to be reused as drinking water, though it won’t make up […]
By Edsel Cook
Old-school smog solution: Wear a giant fishbowl on your head
It’s said those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Well, the past is reaching out through an old video of a woman wearing what appears to be a fishbowl on her head as she walked through the smog-choked streets of 1950s London, reported The Daily Mail. (Feature image courtesy The Daily Mail, […]
By Isabelle Z.
RAT POISON USE has resulted in new “super rodent” rats that are immune to chemical poisons
No one wants to have rats in their home, but it turns out that using rat poison to deal with the pests could ultimately have the opposite effect. British households are being warned that rats are growing resistant to poison because of a genetic mutation known as L120Q. This mutation essentially renders the poison ineffective, […]
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